能力和信心评估建模 (CCAM®)

全球首个数字基础设施行业能力和信心评估建模 (CCAM®) 工具


Risk affects every organization, although the types of threats that businesses face will depend on varying factors, yet many businesses struggle to accurately identify, and counter risks effectively and so increase the chances of making costly and reputational damaging mistakes.

Introducing the world’s first Competency and Confidence Assessment (CCAM®) Modelling Tool for the digital infrastructure industry that is revolutionizing the way managers identify, manage, and mitigate people risk.

The CCAM® Tool provides real-time analysis of knowledge, competence and confidence for individuals and teams and exposes root causes of employee behavior (positive and negative). It recommends individual interventions and professional development activities aimed at enhancing knowledge and positively changing behavior to ultimately reduce human related risk.



Competency & Confidence Assessment Modelling (CCAM®) Program Details

The CCAM® Tool Process
It’s easy, we just require the names and email addresses of your teams and will register them onto the assessment. To begin the initial assessment, the individuals receive an email from us with a link to start the assessment, it can be taken on any device. The individuals read the situation paragraph and work through the questions relating to it, selecting their answer and the level of confidence in their response. Once complete, we collate the results, create individual and team reports and recommend the next steps to take.

This could be:
  • Re-assessment (to confirm good results)
  • Mentoring/coaching
  • Undertake online module learning
  • Attend a remote attendance technical education program
How Does CCAM® Work?
CCAM® Benefits

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