M&O Stamp of Approval 计划
Uptime Institute’s enhanced Management & Operations (M&O) Stamp of Approval improves an organization’s ability to meet the compounding demands on their data centers, to better manage the complexities of data center infrastructure more efficiently and effectively, and to reduce operational risk.
Data center operations programs and procedures must demonstrate flexibility and adaptability to address a proliferation of challenges. These include supply chain issues and staffing challenges, new industry and governmental regulations, and an increasing focus on comprehensive cyber and physical security. In addition, rapidly scaling demands required to incorporate and support new technologies such as AI, liquid cooling adoption and rapidly increasing power density of racks are shaping the way data centers can and should be operated. Operations teams must be prepared to anticipate as well as respond to accelerating change, and the new enhanced M&O Stamp of Approval provides the comprehensive framework to address the ever-expanding number of challenges and risks to critical facilities.
With over 100 unique observation areas, this comprehensive M&O program and its focus on continuous improvement, the M&O program allows clients to more precisely identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in critical facilities in 7 key areas: Personnel Management; Maintenance; Facility Management & Optimization; Health, Safety, and Security; Emergency Preparedness and Response; Planning, Coordination; and Quality Management.
Participants in the Uptime M&O program are provided with a comprehensive operations risk profile and actionable steps that drive organizational standardization throughout a site and an entire data center portfolio and emphasize continuous improvement to better address the ever-evolving risks in all data center operations. M&O provides a roadmap to align organizational strategies with common and critical business objectives such as risk reduction, reduced downtime and driving operational efficiency.
As part of the enhanced M&O, facilities staff, and management will benefit from access to Uptime’s proprietary Competency & Confidence Assessment Modeling (CCAM®). CCAM results will identify training and growth opportunities for each member of staff, whether at the time of recruitment, onboarding, or on an ongoing basis. Managers can now quickly identify risks associated with specific individuals and mitigate these by providing a customized roadmap for precision training. M&O with CCAM® provides a complete, standardized, globally recognized assessment that enables data center operations teams to perform at their best. It ensures that hidden inefficiencies, gaps in skills or understanding and the associated risks do not impact the organization.
Whether your data center portfolio is scaling up, managing change, or seeking a performance boost on a single site, the M&O program ensures that no opportunity to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and risks in data center operations is overlooked.
对 M&O 项目是否有疑问?
我们的 M&O 计划对这些困难了然于胸,树立框架,按照统一且可重复的流程加以解决。
我们的 M&O 计划帮您创建更好的流程,推进协作。它有助于加深跨级别跨部门沟通,从而进一步巩固程序,统一行为,在您的团队中贯彻行业最佳实践。
我们的 M&O 计划帮助关键设施团队调整卓越运营实践,为他们提供放诸各团队、部门和文化而皆准的流程、程序与行业最佳实践,建立纪律和持续改进文化。
我们的 M&O Stamp of Approval 计划将减少对您的运营支出和资本支出产生重大影响的事故数量和严重程度。
我们的 M&O Stamp of Approval 被许多保险承销商认可为衡量风险的指标,并且可能降低您的保费。
我们的 M&O 计划将分析您数据中心的延期和预测性维护程序、设备生命周期规划和供应商支持计划,以提供改进维护方案的建议。
我们的 M&O 计划全面评估您的培训、人员配置、组织和管理方案,以识别潜在的流程改进。
我们的 M&O Stamp of Approval 计划被公认为行业同类计划中的佼佼者,成功完成该计划将为您的组织赢得一定程度的尊重。